
Bitcoin and
Crypto Wallet

  • Swap crypto across networks
  • Millions of assets supported
  • Stake and earn rewards
  • Connect to Web3
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Purchase crypto using your bank card, PayPal, Apple or Google Pay, and other payment methods
Buy and sell crypto directly from your walletPurchase crypto using your bank card, PayPal, Apple or Google Pay, and other payment methods

Your funds remain in your control

Exodus is self-custody, empowering you to control your wealth on your terms

Your funds remain in your control

Even if you’re just starting out with Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies you would still be able to use this wallet effortlessly. Exodus is the kind of product you “fall in love with” the first time you use it, and that’s quite rare in the cryptocurrency world.

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Exodus was built with beginning cryptocurrency users in mind, but is also ideal for most mainstream cryptocurrency enthusiasts who are looking for a secure, easy to use, beautiful wallet.

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With its simplicity, this wallet is great for beginners just getting into the crypto space. It also has great support, which is an essential feature for beginners getting into what many would consider a confusing market.

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